Wednesday, October 3, 2007


oh man. This guy is nuts...



Russ said...

We should end everything we say with, "I love ya. That's why I yell at ya."

Rachel said...

hahahaha oh no russ ... oh no :D

so that was really cool, i like driscoll more and more every time i read/watch/hear him.

this reminded me of a blog i read -- shaun groves, he's a christian artist and has a lot of good things to say, i think, most of the time. the other day he blogged about enemies, and how without enemies we don't have passion or reason, we are no longer united, etc. it's so true, "passion diminishes into passivity..." that's NOT what Jesus or the apostles were like, that not what we're called to be. it's a fight [life for Jesus' glory on this earth], and as soon as we forget that, we've already lost.

so .... to be or not to be a pacifist?? hmm .... maybe it's more like "pick your battles" ... although, i don't have biblical evidence for that principle.

this comment is getting too long. i should stop now ;)

Sathish said...

This is stickin' amazing and NATE, you have to check this out. Too funny.

Matt said...

haha, I've said this before- everything is true and great and perfect and I hope CT feels like a bunch of morons for acting like morons, but I personally am a lover of Driscoll's dry sarcasm... I hope this was a one time freak out and not an every sermon thing, lol. Freak outs are sweet tho, don't get me wrong.